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We just found out that you will all need to apply for 60 day tourist visa.  You will need to take care of this NOW!  We believe that you will be fine in doing this but you do need to take care of it TODAY!

You can go to for info.


 Print out the Visa Application Form and fill in these lines as follows:

Section 1: Check Tourist Visa

Section 2: Fill in your information

Section 3: Fill in your information

Section 4: Purpose of Visit: Tourist Place to stay in Thailand: Nancy Ross Center, Ram 2 Road  Bangkock, Thailand

Section 5: Reference person and address in Thailand: Jim Larson 123 Soion Nut 33 Sukhimvit 77, Saun Luang, Bangkok, Thailand, 10250

By email you will be sent your itinerary, you need to print that out and send it in with your itinerary.

Any questions please call: Dave Gross 1-800-881-2461 ext 218


23 responses to “Visa Information”

  1. so all they need to send in is a money order for 35.00, 2 passport pictures, the application and copy of ticket/itinerary?
    And we send that to whom? Thai embassy Washington D.C.? or can this be done at the post office and sent over night?

  2. Do we need to fill something in for the Reference Person in the U.S. in section 5?

  3. On the website it tells you where to send the visa information, depending on what state you live in.

  4. Section 5 is “your reference”. Could be mom, dad, grandparent, boss. etc.

  5. section 5 asks “Reference person and address in U.S.A.” what if i dont have a reference person in the U.S.A. seeing as I’m Canadian?

  6. I’m flying back to Maryland on Saturday. Would it be easier if I just went to the embassy in DC in person on Monday to apply for the visa?

  7. Hey our form is alittle differnt. on ours it asks for a flight number. I could most likely leave this blank cause they dont ask you guys for a flight number, but if you know than that would be great. thanks.

  8. The flight number is on the itinerary they sent out. We’re flying into Thailand on Northwest Airline’s flight “NW 21”. At least it seems like that’s the flight number…

  9. If you can do anything in person that would be best!

    Make sure you send in your itinerary with your application.

    ALSO: at the top of the application it asks how many entries….. try to put in 2 entries!

  10. For Luke and Jenn in Canada, your application asks for a phone number of the reference. Here’s a number #086-704-0607

  11. Hey, I could have a probelem…
    I sent off my visa stuff this morning and I just saw your (Angel) last comment about the # of entries. I must have overlooked that, so I didnt put an answer for that one. So what would happen? will they send it back or something or can I call and tell them to write in 2 for me? or will it even be a problem?

  12. Hey Hunter!

    Umm I think that we should all PRAY for this VISA issue! GRACE!!! It was at the top of the page, I almost overlooked it to 🙂

    you may try calling, someone said they were pretty friendly. Let me know what you hear.

  13. well i spent the day dealing with the visa stuff, i drove down to toronto to hand it in in person. But one thing, i put only 1 entry cause i didnt read Angels comment. is that bad? ha yes we need to pray about this stuff.

  14. I totally missed the part about having to send an envelope and postage to them for the return mail.

    Shall I call?

  15. ummm, luke, it’s okay, we can deal with the 1 entry.

    Jamie, pretty sure you will need to call, they will have no idea what to do with your stuff when it’s processed. you may have to IMMEDIATELY send out a money order for the mailing.

  16. Hey y’all,

    So I just went in person to the Thai embassy today. In case you didn’t know (because the internet didn’t say anything about it):

    The second entry requires another $35 dollars.

    Jamie when did you send yours in? I’m going to pick mine up on Friday between 12:30-1 PM.
    If you feel comfortable, you can call them and ask if I could pick it up for you.

  17. The 2 entries thing is if we leave the country and come back in during our trip. Seeing that I don’t think anyone coughed up $70, I wouldn’t worry about it.

  18. Crap.
    I was out of town until now without internet and now, even though I’m home, it has stopped working at my house.
    This keeps happening! Gah!

    I should still call, yes?

  19. Hey. I gots a bit of a problem.
    I got a message from the Thai embassy (I wasnt there to get get the call, but I got it on the voice recorder) and they said that I needed a different itinerary and that I needed one with “The name Hunter Beezley” on it. So, I gotta call em back tuesday but she mentioned that I could just fax whatever was missing to this number she gave me. So, I guess I just need to get a new intinerary from AIM? or what do you think I should do?

    but they seemed like they really wanted to help and seemed pretty nice about it, so that’s a plus.

  20. OK, so I just looked over our itinerary and it DOES have our names on it. so I guess nevermind, I’ll just wait and call them tuesday. maybe I left out a page or something. I dont know. but I’ll just call. sorry for the false alarm. ha.

  21. They called me today today (I also missed the call).. turns out I didn’t send enough postage in (I was short $3?). I also only sent in $35 so I can only get one entry. Is two entries absolutely needed?