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3 responses to “To my team…”

  1. I had a dream last night that I forgot to take any pants to Thailand, but I’m still coming! 🙂 I love you, Court!

  2. Courtney,

    I wanted you to know that I prayed for you on Monday like I promised I would. Allie always says not to expect anything and to throw your expectations out the window but you should expect that God will move mountains in you and the people of Thailand. Why such large expectations?? because I prayed for it. And God is faithful. His glory will be seen among the nations.. have no doubt in that. It may not be how you expect but it will happen. I hope you have a wonderful time and please know that I will be praying for team cohesiveness especially in these first few days. And don’t forget.. you don’t fully know you team until someone asks what people are allergic to at training camp. LOVEEE YOU!!!