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Last week I had the absolute pleasure of attending one of
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s annual retreats called Basileia. The name is Greek for “kingdom”
used often in the New Testament in Jesus’ parables and the Lord’s prayer: “Thy kingdom
(basileia) come, Thy will be done”. The retreat consisted of around one hundred
and seventy college-aged Christians from about ten schools, hanging out at a
Young Life camp along Saranac Lake in upstate New York. One word: beautiful. We were there for one purpose: to seek God’s
will for ourselves, our campuses, and our world.

I was one of nine RPI students in the Transforming Prayer
group for the week, and we learned so much! In addition to spending six days in
almost non-stop prayer / intercession / Bible study, we learned about prayer,
fasting, and what it means to seek first God’s Basileia above all else (Matt 6:33).

One of the toughest and best practices I
learned about was how to walk in a listening manor every day. Rather than having ‘free time’ in our
schedule for the week, we had “Kairos
Kairos is Greek for the “right or opportune moment” or “the
appointed time in the purpose of God.” For us this meant we are to actively
listen for God’s call, even in our ‘free time.’ To listen how He wants us to
spend the time: where to go, what to do, who to talk to, and what to say. Then do the same everyday of our lives.

Though I ‘knew’ this before, I learned more tangibly that Christianity
isn’t something I do, but who I am. Not
just sitting in a pew on Sundays or going to a Tuesday night Bible study; but
walking with God, listening to His still small voice, and faithfully following
His call. Man I wish I actually did that faithfully. Though I currently walk, stumble, fall, and
grow weary, I do desire to walk in faith, with a glorious joy that comes from
knowing Christ Jesus our Lord. I pray I
can walk always with thanksgiving, attentive to the voice of Truth, and eager
to share God’s love with everyone I see.
“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven!” Let
it be so! Amen

Two big ways I saw God’s Kingdom during Basileia:

Morning prayer day 1:
The men circled around the women, praying prayers of repentance, and
blessing our sisters. (They prayed over
us, too) It was an incredible way to
start the week.

Spontaneous Worship. My group would randomly burst into praise and
worship, it was amazing. I gained an affection for the African-style song called “freedom.”
The best youtube video I could find for it (doesn’t do it justice) is below. It is a great song for when you’re just walking
around in a group and want to praise!
(aka we should all learn it lol)

2 responses to “Thy Kingdom Come!”

  1. Ah, “Kairos Time”…so that’s what all those moments of hesitation and missed opportunities I keep having are called. ;o)

  2. WHOA!!! Eric what to you get to the point where you hear from the Lord when you are not even trying to. Like driving to the gym and having him tell you to go right instead of left. And you sit there trying to argue your point, then realize just how silly you sound and just go and be obentent and then by being obentent many are blessed. You are well on your way. If you want to hear the whole story about me not being able to make to the gym just ask.
    Now go and serve and love “the barbairian way”
    God bless,