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Tuesday, May 13th, 2008 at 7:30 PM EST we will have another Thailand Team Conference call.
Vicki Gross, our
director and Ashley King, your location rep, will be conducting the
call. We are so excited to get to talk to all of you again!

number that you call in on is: 712-451-6100. You dial that number and
then it will ask you for your access code which is: #348324.
Please comment if you will be participating!

*Creepy Baby with the phone strikes again!

5 responses to “Team Conference Call: Take #2”

  1. I will be there on one condition and one condition only…

    Can everyone sing Happy Birthday to me?



  2. Yeah May Birthdays! Mine’s two days later.

    I’ll be on a retreat that week, but I should still be able to call in for a bit. If I do I’ll make sure to sing… at least one line.

  3. I’ll only be there if Ryan will be there!

    “Whose Ryan?!” -Nathanael Kaiser
    (I’m sorry if no one gets that but me, but I crack myself up!)

    🙂 And I can’t wait to sing with you all!

  4. Who’s Ryan?! (Covers mouth quickly, did I just say that with an attitude?!) haha.

    I’ll be there. You bring the chips and I’ll bring the dip.. we’ll have a party!