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Thoughts & Inspiration

After your support letters go out, should you follow that letter up with a phone call?  I believe you should. 

What should you say in that phone call?  Ask them if they received your letter and let them know what you are going to be doing.  Let them hear from you why you are going and why God placed this trip on your heart.  Let them hear your passion.

Should you ask them to give to this trip?  Absolutely!  Don’t straight out ask them but ask them to prayerfully consider  giving to this cause.

Many of you never realized that you needed to ASK people to give your cause. Most of you think that once you sent out your support letter your part was finished.  That is not true, ASKING is a necessary step.   Always keep in mind that you are not asking for money for yourself, but you are asking for money for the poorest of poor all over the world.

How do you feel about the asking?

  • Spiritual people don’t ask for money. They pray and God moves people to give.
  • AIM should raise the funds for you.
  • Raise support? You have to be a great salesman to succeed.
  • Christians should only give to their local church.

There is a big fear factor is raising support. Ninety-two percent of all Christian workers experience fear of asking for money and the other eight percent are liars.

Here are a couple Bible studies that will help you face some of those fears and help give you the confidence in God that you need. They helped me when I first started in the support raising process.

Deuteronomy 8: Moses Explanation of the Wilderness Journey

  1. What are the Lord’s main commands in the chapter?
  2. What did he want Israel to learn by wandering in the desert? (vv. 2-6)
  3. What does he now promise? (vv. 7-10)
  4. What are his warnings? (vv. 11-20)
  5. How are you in a similar position to the Israelites?

1 Kings 17:1-16: The Lord’s Provision During Depression

  1. What would your reaction be if you were Elijah when the brook went dry?
  2. What happened as a result about the Lord’s care and power over “the economy”?
  3. When were you sure of something God called you to do, but it looked impossible? What did you do/ What happened?
  4. When it happens again, what should you do?