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Some important information that you need to know:

-You are allowed to bring TWO suitcases. One suitcase is for
your personal clothing and one suitcase will be used for ministry supplies.
During training camp, you will NOT
have access to your ministry supply suitcase, so don’t put anything that you
are going to need in that suitcase.

-Your ministry supply list can be found in your handbook. It
is very important for you to read that. There are no changes to the list.  Bring what
you can on that list, you do not need to bring everything on it.  When everyone
gets here, we will make sure each team has what they need for ministry.

-Everyone needs to bring a swimsuit to training camp.
Regardless if you think you will use it or not on your trip, you NEED to bring one. It will be used
during your training camp.

For girls – One piece swimsuits only

For guys – No Speedos

6 responses to “Some Information…”

  1. hahaha oh you kids…

    Eric I would say what ever your leaders say goes.. so talk to Angel and Adam about that.

  2. Oh you two make me laugh.

    And Eric, my understanding is that we pack everything personal in the backpack, and the second bag is for ministry supplies. I hope that’s the case because otherwise I’ll never be able to fit everything in one bag!

  3. Hey fam!

    Yeah, go by the previous email in regards to bags, mountain pack with personal stuff and SMALL duffle bag for ministry supplies! I’ll post that email here as well. But what is said about training camp bag and speedos is definitely what is written here… Nater…. you especially