
Explore My News,
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This post is going to be a little scattered. I really want to include a lot of pictures and video for all of you, so it might not exactly be chronological.

So our trip began at training camp.

In the middle of the woods in Geogia, our team was (more or less) forced to bond and unify as one.The first team builder we were introduced to was the beloved chickens. I say beloved, but others on  the team disagree. Well everyone else on the team disagees. Nonetheless, we were given two live chickens. I think their purpose was to help us gain responsibility? I’m not really sure. Personally I think AIM just has a great sense of humor.We named our chickens Beauty and the Beast mainly in reverance to Sarah’s love for disney, and also because one chicken was somewhat pretty and the other looked like it was about to die.

This is Beast (the dying chicken):

Our team quickly learned to excel at every task given to us. Why? Because it seems that we are forgetable. During prayer, announcements, meals, our team was just left out. In AIM’s defense, we are tiny compared to the other teams (7 participants vs. 23 on some other teams). Anyway, the point of the story is that when given the opporuntity to stand out, we took it. For example, when we were given a dance competition to compete in, we certainly went above and beyond. Let’s just say many of the rounds included cracking eggs (from our chickens) over Nate’s head, holding Hunter up and creating a giant fountain, and in the final round, when only Hunter was left to represent out team by dancing with our chicken (the video is at the bottom of this post).

Other highlights form training camp included:

Drimes: Drimes are more or less dramas with no words, set to music. Our team was actually really great at them, as seen here. They’re a great ministry tool when we have to cross the language barrier.

Nikki’s green person suit: Just another way Thai team went above and beyond to be noticed (actually it was ridiculously fun).

So I love you all. Hope Ohio (and everywhere else) is a beautiful as Thailand.

11 responses to “So Thailand”

  1. Courtney!! I’m so happy for you! You look like you are having a wonderful time and your team seems to mesh really well! Looks like God has already begun to work among each of you. I miss you friend! And trust me, you’re not missing much in Ohio… You’re going to Thailand!!

  2. Your news letters are great! Thanks for the pictures.

    You will be strong witnesses in Thailand.

    We have over 200 in VBS this week- – – a great group of kids and workers.

    Keep up good works.

  3. I love you and I’m glad you got to post this. And I’m also glad you were a demon in the drime because we both know we should never be girl 1 or 2 ๐Ÿ™‚ praying for you like crazy!

  4. Sounds like you are up to the challenge. Nate has a hard head – break as many eggs as you want. (I’m his mom) Ohio is beautiful also. Blessings. Tell Nate we’re praying for him and the whole team.

  5. Thank you so so much for the pictures. You guys are all two awesome!
    Safe journies,
    ann stevens

  6. We are praying for you Courtney and the whole team, that you will be a strong witness for Jesus. The photos & videos were just GREAT!Your talent shines forth. It seems that Beauty & Beast had a much better experience than the chicken in Swaziland last year. We will check all alerts posted to follow the witness you will make in your journey. Remember….With God, all things are possible. Love you, Hugs

  7. So, I miss you. Not like I can’t handle this she isn’t coming home for 51 days. More like, I wish I could call and tell Courty how I fought with a type writer for an hour and a half today or I can’t believe one of my crazy housemates lives with 100 cats or Shane Claiborne is coming to Indianapolis and I am going to see him…you know, all that usual stuff sisters talk about. Know I miss you and I love you and I am so proud of everything you are doing. It made me so happy to get your email and I am off to respond. I am so proud of you and can’t wait to see you soon.

  8. Oh and I saw a guy with a tattoo on the back of his neck that was the little apple symbol on the power key. I really wanted to take his picture, but I couldn’t come up with a good way how. Now I’m done. Unless I come up with more things to tell you soon. Love Me

  9. aw! I love reading these posts… I know that God will do amazing things in thailand through you. I’m praying for you guys and… i love you, courtney! ๐Ÿ˜€