
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I don’t even know where to start to even begin to describe to you our time here in Thailand.
There is so much I could write about, so much I want to write about, but I can’t even begin to explain it all.
I’ll start out by just writing what’s on my heart today. Today I am just beyond estatic about our work here. This week we’ve really seen growth just from our little time here. Our VBS has grown phenononally, we barely know where to put all the kids who show up. We originally only invited the students from the schools nearby our home, but lately we’ve had students from miles and miles away. Students from my school which is a good 20 minute drive away have been showing up. God is just so faithful in blessing our work here.
Results have come from our work at the schools too, like I mentioned before, the students Eric and I teach have been coming to visit, even on days when we don’t have planned VBS (like this morning for church). It’s funny how much of an impact a few hours at a school can make. We’ll be driving down the road near our school and kids will follow on bicycle screaming the songs we’ve taught them. Just little things, but it represents the impact God is making on the lives here.
Our team is doing great. We’ve had a lot of fun times just bonding and enjoying our little community. I already view them as family. One of the highlights of this week was a major rain storm where we all went and played in the rain, mud, etc. This weekend has been a really great time of relaxation for us. After 2 full weeks of ministry, yesterday we took off to a little village called Surin. Surin is known for its elephants, so I was very excited. We arrived in some sort of elephant preserve type thing and went to see an elephant show. Highlights of that were definetly my elephant painting, getting massaged by elephant feet, and riding on top of full grown elephants. We had a great time.
I think it is safe to say that every one of us is having an incredible time here. We are experiencing God in new ways every single day. Our family is learning to live as one body serving the people here.
And here are some more pictures: