OK, so today is the day to post an update on things here in Thailand. the thing is though, is that God is doing so much (around us, beyond us, and inside of us) that it would just take way too long to post about it. That and (sorry for my honesty) but I just dont feel like writting at the moment. so instead I’m posting pictures and (hopefully, if it works) a cool and interesting video.
So anyway. here ya go. enjoy!
Me showing how thankfull I was to see the elephants.
Gip’s B-day…and the B-day hat we made for him- as you can see we are creative.
Nikki and Sarah (me and nate are on the other bike) riding our bikes down the villiage roads.
Me and my friend fart (His name is actually pronounced faul with some sorta t sound at then end…I dont know….we just call him fart cause that’s kinda what it sounds like. anyway, he’s my friend and I love him.)
Riding the Elephants at the Elephant villiage. The face I’m making is a cross between extreamly excited, sorta scared, and slightly comfortable as the ears flapped to cool off my legs. you cant tell from the picture but that elephant was very tall- it was fun!
OK that’s all for today! sorry the video didnt work. I had a cool one of me, nate eric and prong eating a scorpion and another of us mud sliding in the rain but it wouldnt upload. sorry. maybe next time.
Some prayer requests……
1. me. God is doing some interesting stuff in me. good stuff. so dont worry. but I’m just not gonna say much right now cause I’m waiting on the Lord to speak and give a little more clarity.
2. We found out that locals think Christians are crazy and need to be put in jail, so prayers for strength for people like prong (our local leader) is key.
3. Just keep prayin for the kids at school and vbs, we keep drawing biger and bigger crowds and so God is being glorified.
4. and more prayer for church and the people in the villiages God is doing some cool work but we just need that to continue.
-Thanks for everything guys!!!!! love yall, thinking of yall and prayin for yall!!!!!!!!!!