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name that is printed on my birth certificate: Nikki Margarita Rodriguez
Enriquez. D.O.B.: 10/10/88. Birthplace: Quezon City, Pilippines.
Current location: Nyack College. Now for somthing real… I hate ink on
my skin. My favorite color is fading green. And what really disturbs me
somthin deep is when people wear pants that ride up and reveal there
socks. I got to share these wonderful things for 18 years with my
family in White Plains, NY. It’s a nine person household and
continually growing. I am the victim of American culture though. But I
don’t forget. They won’t let me. I have pitfalls like any other person,
but sometimes I feel like mine are so much worse. I feel hopelessness
for myself. Of course those are lies straight from hell (as they like
to say). I just need a little shake here and there to slap me back to
what’s true. I just wish that that shake was a constant one, because I
am tired of being unmoved. I am a thinker. I am a student. I am
emotional. I am musical. I am hard-headed. I know what’s real. I am a
basket case. I take things to heart. I am undecisive. I am angry. I am
creative (at least I think so). I think way too much. And in the end
they all count up to one thing… being a daughter of God.

6 responses to “Nikki Enriquez”

  1. Beautiful sister, welcome! I can’t wait to meet you in just a few short months! It is so exciting to know that the Lord hand-picked each one of us for this team and for the country of Thailand- you play such a vital role. Thank you for your obedience and faith! Be with you soon. 🙂

  2. hellow!!??!?
    jus saying hi!! i know u dont know me but iv bein in ur place already!im a fren of ur mom so here i am ,heheh u probly think dat this is weird but hey, just want to be ur fren.. hope we can br fren

  3. Ellow !!!
    Don’t let bugs eat ur legs
    it will leave an ugly mark.
    By the way iam your mom’s