Thailand has been rough at times. It is unbearably hot here… and getting hotter. We have no air conditioning, limited fans, and lots of sweaty americans. All we ever eat is rice. I’m not sure I will ever again choose to eat rice. There are creatures literally everywhere. Mosquitos in our rooms, scorpians in our beds, land crabs under the couch, and water buffalos in the front yard. We’ve been sleeping on the floor for about 2 months now, and my back is wanting a real bed.
Thailand has certainly been rough. We’ve worked hard, sweated, cried out for these people and seen little results. The culture and the intense devotion to religion has made it hard to bring Christ into this region. Thailand defines the term “unchurched.” We have met few people who know the name Jesus, the term christian, or even understand the basis of our religion. When we are engaged in ministry, we literally have to start from the beginning, explaining a God who is personal, who you can actually pray to, who isn’t made or gold and found in some temple. Our work here has resulted in fruit, but it’s small. We won’t return home with stories of conversions or miracles, because our job here has simply been to create a foundation. Create a foundation for the work that Praung is doing here, create a foundation for a church to rise, create a foundation simply for questions.
But despite all the strugles, Thailand has stolen my heart.

Every night on the floor, every bug, every frusteration has been worth it. It has been hard, but the harder it has gotten, the more I value the results we’ve seen. The questions from the teachers, the simple act of picking up a bible, the request for prayer, each little result represents hours of prayers, weeks of struggle. And it is beautiful. It is beautiful to see God work in ways that are small in comparison to our expectations, small in comparison to our american worldview, but complete miracles nonetheless.
Our VBS programs have been built around simply teaching the children that there is a God who loves them and believes that they are special. Like I said before, it is a challenge to even teach of a God, a god who loves and is alive. Their understanding of our idea of religion is so small that we can’t even use bible verses because they don’t understand a God that speaks through a book. So our job here is simply to teach love. To show the children love, teach them that God loves, and hope that they can make the connection between our feeble attempts at loving them, and a God who loves unconditionally. We aren’t trying for conversions…if one child walks away simply with an understanding that they are loved, our mission is complete here.
The same can be said for the schools. We’re simply teaching english, usually with no translator. We aren’t sharing the gospel. we are just attempting to show each child that they are valued, that we value their futures, and that we think they are capable to succeed. In an area where girls are heading to the bars each day, just this simple lesson is essential.

What I’m trying to say, as scattered as it may be, is that my heart is broken for this country.
Like I said, Thailand has been hard, harder than I ever could have imagined, but the blessings God had poured upon our team and upon the thai people here are even more incredible that I could have even imagined too. Our time here has been well spent. God is working and continues to work here in Thailand.
Our team is doing wonderfully-as of today everyone has returned to complete health. Our team has truely become a family, depending on each other, learning, laughing, and sleeping side by side. I am already dreading leaving them.
As of today our team has less than a week left of ministry. We leave Friday morning for debrief. As we enter our last week of teaching, VBS, and in general ministry, we ask for prayer that we will remain healthy, energized, and passionate about our community here. We’re all sad about leaving, but excited to spend a week debriefing as a team and pouring into each other before we leave for home.
Courtney! I have missed you so much and I am overwhelmed with joy to hear how well you all are doing. Water Buffalos, front yard?? Oh right, you´re in Thailand.
Every evening we stare up into the stars and pray for the Thailand team. You all mean so much to the Ambassador team in Peru and you are in our prayers. It is such an encourage to hear how alive the Spirit is within your team. Good luck until we ´´speak´´ again!
The children of Thailand are blissfully unaware of Christianity and I fail to see how it would ever benefit them. Their belief in ancestor worship and a spirit world is not so far removed from your own version of the “fairy tale” ending to life but whereas you believe in God and heaven, they choose to believe in Buddha and Nibbhana (nirvana). Why should it ever change and more so, who are you to try and instigate such changes in Thai society. What is your agenda.
You feel the need to travel half way around the world to try and hoist upon them your own religious values ? Do you not have anything else better to do with your mundane lives than to come “god bothering” in Asia. From reading your post it is obvious that you felt compelled to convert someone, anyone and who better than to start with the children.
What you are doing is quite sickening when you think about it. You are trying to exploit an asian childs curiosity of “foreigners and the English language” which the children are hoping to learn from you but you are operating upon a religious agenda which tries to supplant their religion beliefs with your religious values and opinions. Does this mean that Buddhism is bad or that Christianity is better What is a child to think or do you think the children will “hedge” their bets by believing in both. What are you offering them other than the chance to dissent from their families and their community to follow you and your Lord……….. blindly.
I think its “gods/Buddhas’ blessing” that those kids could not understand english. I doubt whether you have achieved anything anything of real worth with your “godspeak” but I am sure nonetheless that this “crusading pilgramage” has entertained your thoughts of escaping the wraths of your own personal redemption.
I’m so excited for you guys! Just think, a team of experienced missionaries already family with a village and way of life, have a whole 5 days for God to use them in amazing ways to bring his Love to those around them. Every single day another chance for incredible miracles to happen!
May God continue to give you the strength to bear the physical and emotional trials, and continue to reveal to you the greatness of his love and mercy that you may share it with the people you love!
We’ll be praying for you till you get back and even then.
You continue to bless us with your amazing insights on your posts. It is difficult to believe that you are starting your last week of ministry. Know we are praying for you and the team daily.
Please don’t pack any critters to bring home this year!!!!
Mrs. Barnes
You have great insight and express it well through the written word. Thank you. We are praying for you and the whole team. God has used you, thank you all for being available!
Courtney, Thank you for the great writing, on where you have been and what God is doing through you. You’ve done a great job expressing what is going on daily there in Thailand, and I thank you for that. Remember, it’s all in God’s timing. Great job for all you and your team have done there! Safe travels.
Love Evelyn Smith (aka Meghan’s Mom)
I want to challenge you to make this last week count. I know you probably won’t get this until the week is over but my prayer for you and your team is that you’ll be able to give more of yourselves this week than ever before. Be bold. Speak in love. Value those you are with.
I’m so proud of you. Seriously, I love that you are able to see God’s faithfulness in the small things. Those small things will someday become huge things in the life of that particular person and they will forever change the nation of Thailand.
Well done, Courtney, God’s good and faithful servant.
It is refreshing to hear about the love & concern this team has for a small dot on this planet. Just remember, all it takes is one person to save even an entire nation! Who knows?….because of the teams efforts there, that one tiny seed may have beenn planted in the one person who grows up to change Thailand forever. Keep up the Good Work, keep the faith, & to God be the glory!