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Thoughts & Inspiration

“Missions exists because worship doesn’t.”

For so many of us called by God and fervently following Jesus Christ, there comes a time in our lives where we are faced with the same question : “What is God’s plan for my life?” or “In what ways is God going to use me while I am here on this earth?” As for myself, this question haunted me for months and months.

Just two years ago God stole my heart and saved my soul and continued to do some amazing and remarkable works within me. He has taught me a lot and has opened my mind so much compared to when I was without Him; yet, He has only begun and I praise Him for that! Although throughout this time of learning I was indeed growing, but this question of “where is my place?!” echoed deep from within me and to tell the truth, it was tourture and I wanted it to just go away. But God had a plan to allow His spirit to move and knock me on my face.

By God’s good grace He took me to the Amazon Jungle, Peru last summer. Of course while I was there I did learn a whole lot and saw God do things I never truly imagined could happen, but what would rock my world, was when I would returned to the states, which was something I never expected. After about a month of being home and recovering from the trip, I was given a book called “Let the Nations Be Glad!” by John Piper. I had no idea before I read it that God would provide an answer to my ever still pursuing question.

May the peoples praise You, O God; may all the peoples praise You.May the nations be glad and sing for joy! (Psalm 67:3-4). This scripture was the basis of this whole book and it spoke truth to me as I read it. I couldn’t help but remember the time I spent in the Amazon and a certain night we took and used for worship. But this worship was not just like any other. Our team spread out on the boat we were living on and each one of us worshiped in our own unique ways. Some sang, some took pencil and paper and drew, some remained still and knew He was and is God, and some just fell flat on their faces and cried out to the Father in worship. That night the Holy Spirit moved in mighty ways and from that night, we all experienced the presence of God. Now, after reading that book and reminiscing upon this night and this time of worship, God placed within me a burning desire for the nations and their call by God to worship Him alone. At that moment I finally knew my purpose-worship, and I finally knew what God wants of everyone of the earth-worship, and I finally knew what God’s mission is for me-to let the nations be glad, sing for joy, and worship the Heavenly Father YAHWEH!

In this book, the first sentence was “Missions exists because worship doesn’t.”and I long for the day to come when mission work is unnecessary. God has taught me through this book and my time in the Jungle that God has created us for His worship; I have always heard and known that phrase, but until God spoke to me through this book, I did not know “us” meant the world.