
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


to get vulnerable.  Let me preface this
that I am not writing as your “leader” or an AIM rep, but as your brother and
fellow servant.  I don’t know about you,
but the reality of our trip is settling in. 
It seems as if something wants
to prevent us from going to do whatever it is Lord has for us.  I am certain that we are all feeling the same
pressure not to go.  Here’s what I have been experiencing (maybe
you’re experiencing the same things): being overwhelmed, discouragement, confused,
fearful, sick, lack of faith, being pissy, restlessness, apathetic… shall I go
on.  Now, I do not want to give Satan all
the credit.  These unclean fruits come
from the darknesses of our flesh, the world, and the schemes of the devil.

news though!  We have the power of prayer
and fasting.  I knew that this time was
coming up and this morning I was talking to Daddy, and We decided that I should
fast this coming up week.  Fasting might
be a big word for you, but please don’t get freaked out or confused or overwhelmed
or condemned or whatever by it.  I could
go on and on (and on) about the power of fasting (maybe we’ll have a discussion
or two about it this summer), but don’t worry about it.  Wesley Duewel wrote an amazing book Might Prevailing Prayer obviously about
prayer.  Awesome quote, “Kind thoughts
expressed to Him in five or six sentences, after reading a paragraph or two of
mildly religious sentiments once a day from some devotional writing, will not
bring the kingdom of God to earth or shake the gates of hell and repel the
attacks of evil on our culture and our civilization.”  Fasting puts “rocket fuel” in our prayers and
mixing it with the unity of the saints makes one powerful weapon that “even the
gates of Hell will not prevail against” (Matthew 16:18).

what in the world am I saying?  Next week
(starting Monday – probably Friday/Saturday) I will be in specific prayer and
fasting for all of us and this trip.  I
invite you to join me.  It could be
whatever you wish (fasting (any form), setting up a time to pray, doing a shake
for Jesus).  THIS IS NOT A
REQUIREMENT.  AIM does not make anyone
fast, nor will we be allowed to abstain from eating during our trip.  Fasting does not make you a “good Christian.”  How else can I say that this is totally
voluntary and unnecessary for any of us to do for this trip?!  Fasting is a discipline that the Lord has
taught me and if He has not taught you then that is totally fine.  No condemnation!  You might even think that I am crazy and
fasting is unnecessary.  Neato-supremeo.

will be praying these things specifically: Lord’s will be done, deliverance
from evil, His kingdom come, safety & protection, financial provision, peace and comfort
these next weeks, the people of Thailand and Myanmar, rest and vision for Angel,
each of you (I will write two of you on my hand each day to pray specifically
for you), and whatever else the Lord puts on my heart.  If you have something specific that needs
prayer, then please put it out there. 
Oh, and I will also be calling each of you to check up and see how
everything is going and answer any questions that I am able to answer.  Let me know if there is a specific time that
you want me to call.  Otherwise I will
call you some time in the evening, the day that you are written on my hand 🙂  Wheww, I’m done

you All,


[email protected]

8 responses to “Keys To Heaven”

  1. Prayer: school is absolutely overwhelming. I have five essays, a huge Hebrew project, and a final to do before the trip. I have 6 days in between this semester and our trip. Rest, I need rest

  2. Prayer: Finacial provision ** I’m pretty sure the deadline to have all the funds is May 22nd? I have about $1500 left to raise + the price increase. I was supposed to have a car wash today but it got rained out. With work, finals , and an untimely graduation commitment, I’m at a lost of what to do.

    So, may the Lord’s will unfold and his provision overcome. For I am weak, he is strong.

    PS – I’ve experienced everyone of those symptoms plus a deep loathing for money.

    PSS – Adam, do a shake hahah. No one else will get that.

  3. Prayer: As some of you may already know and some may not I felt convicted to fast and pray for thr remaining month of the tiem before the trip. I have been fasting for 10 days now please pray that I will continue to be strengthened in the Lord to do this and finish well. This is so essential because satan is trying to do anything to break me of this. Also please continually pray for my funds, which is a huge reason Im fasting also because I still have about 1600 to raise not including the increase. The Lord can do all things, He wants our trust and that can be hard at times, but all glory and honor to Him who does not disappoint.
    Also Adam Im not sure what your hebrew project is about but feel free to email me if you want any insight, help or anything for I was born in Israel, grew up in Israel and could probably help out.

  4. Oh my goodness, sweet team, I am almost in tears! What a blessing it is to read this and be reminded that we are in this together. I love you. I’m praying for you, and will join in this fast Adam as well as writing team members on my wrists each day. You all are incredible- praise the Lord, He is incredible in you!

    Prayer: I am home from school, and that is really difficult for me. I am not in a Godly environment right now. Also, Jesus and I were talking about maturity levels in Him and I asked Him where I’m at, and He laughed and said, “Yoouuunnngg.” Haha. Right now He’s really bringing a flood to my life and starting everything over. Could you please pray for patience and openness for me, as well as honesty in telling Him exactly where I’m at and asking Him to come get me. Does that make sense?

  5. First of all: WOW so, God has been dealing with me about fasting for this trip A LOT! so this is like perfect confermation!!! Im happy that God is equally working with us and I’m happy that our team is soaking everything in prayer and fasting!!

    Prayers: (Praise: I am finally done with school and my summer has begun!) that also means I’m back home and so I know that I MUST use the next three weeks wisley through diggin into God and His word, prayer and fasting! so I def. need a lot of FOCUS to use this time we have to prepare my heart for what God has in store.

    Also, temptations have been crazy lately!! and I must admit I have given into a lot of em. so I need strength.

  6. Hi lovely family…
    Prayer: Well I’m not actually done with school until the 3rd (yes, the day after we’re in Georgia) so I’m taking my exams early on the 2nd then flying to Georgia. Obviously this is causing a lot of stress, because I feel like I literally have no time to prepare for our trip.
    I think I will echo nate and adam’s requests for rest.

    Besides that I’m really excited to travel the world with you all!

  7. Wow, reading all of this has made it very clear to me that we’re all in the same boat, one way or another. I’m not in school so i cant relate to most of you in that, but for some un-explained reason I feel tired. What else? I feel spiritually thirsty. Tempted left right and centre(yup we spell it centRE, so it wasnt a spelling mistake :P) like you Hunter.

    In the beginning of the month i was stoked about the trip, and focassed (again, double S not a typo), but lately ive found myself caught up in work, and daily battles against our three-fold enemy. his battle on me was so evident, but now its evident were all in the battle together.

    Ill keep you guys in mind and in prayer. My job requires me to eat, because without energy i become sloppy, un-productive, lazy, and i have to strain to think; all can be dangerous and doesnt show my coworkers much fruit. But i will think about something else i can fast from for the remainder of the month.

    Be strong in Him. See you on the front lines.

  8. Hey everyone,

    I just wanted to say it was absolutely amazing to come back after a retreat and see this post and all of these comments about prayer and fasting. To know all of us are equally being attacked and feeling overwhelmed, yet confident that God is so much more powerful than we could ever imagine and He’s got it under control. Satan’s scared, for good reason!

    For me, I need prayers for playfulness, to lighten up, stop being so serious, and just have fun with God in all areas of life. I’ve been really anxious about all of the logistical details (which do mater, but shouldn’t take control of my mind), so please pray against worry and anxiety for me. (Phil 4:6-7 would be great)

    Also, faith and trust in the Lord to speak boldly, unashamedly, whatever He puts on my heart. And for open ears to listen for what what that would be and discern what’s from Him.

    I’m praying for each one of us on the team, and the team as a whole. God has some crazy awesome plans for this trip, let’s get pumped!