
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So, ok, just a second ago I wrote this long blog of the past few days, but something happened and I lost all of it before I could post it. so sorry but this one might not be as detailed cause I dont have much time to write this.
But here we go…..
ok, the past few days have consisted of a lot! we walked the darkest streets where prostitution is crazy and we got to see the women who sell themselves and the men who buy. we got to also go to The Well yesterday and see where some girls who have been brought out of prostitution have come. The Well is basically this place that a couple who have lived in Bangkok for some time run and they seek to rescue girls out of the bars and bring them there to learn a new trade (like making purses and jewlery) and most importantly they teach them who Jesus is! We got to spend a few hourse there encouraging the girls, getting to know them, and also we gave out bags with cosmetic supplies (like shampoo and perfume and soaps) and a snikers with a note on the bag with a Bible verse that explained true beauty and love in Christ. In all this, we have been given God’s compassionate heart for these women and even for the men who come for them.
Already I am in love with Thailand. With the people, and the culture; just compassionately in love with this country!
We leave tonight at 12:00 midnight (your lunchtime) to head north for a villiage where most the girls come from. these villiages in the north also more than likly have never heard the name of Jesus Christ. I am greatfull we will have that opprotunity to share.
So please still be in prayer. I think that is something big God is wanting to teach us on this trip and you back home as well: the power of prayer , the need for it, and the need for faith in God that He will answer in mighty ways!
Also, spiritual warfare is still alive and kicking! Satan keeps attacking us in our sleep (I have many stories, but they are too long) and we constantly need prayer for that; but I am confindent in Jesus. He has already won the battle!!!
So, thanks for everything! this may be the last time for a while I will be able to post. so untill the next one……
“Swandikup!!!” (or however you spell it. ha.)
Here are those pictures  I promissed (I tried to put some videos but I had too many problems,so sorry…..
This is the veiw of a sunset in Bangkok from the roof of the Theological school we are staying at while in the city.
This is a resturant we ate at today…
Here is some entertainment for you…….

2 responses to “Jesus Stuff in Thailand”

  1. I love you!! We miss you. Be safe! We miss you. We bought a new cool grill that comes apart for Three fold so we dont have to keep moving that big grill off and on the trailer any more!! thought you would like to know! We have prison outreach in McComb next weekend, and we have been asked to come the one in Natchez. Love the pictures and videos, I would like to see some of you! love, your mom

  2. I am excited that you are having a great experience. Your Grandfather Beezley loved Thailand as well, & spent a great deal of time there working for the government (he designed & developed their computer systems). He loved Bangkok! I miss you & remind you to stay safe, warm, & well-fed. Love you & long to see you on your return. Love, dad.