My name is Jamie Finch and I am from Saint Louis, Missouri. I am nineteen years old as I write this, but will be twenty by the time of the trip. I love creativity because God is a creative God and He rejoices in finding His attributes displayed in His children. I love to write, sew, take pictures, listen to and make music, and wish desperately that I knew how to paint. I am a book addict and read any time I get the chance- unfortunately, I am awful at finishing the books I start so I am usually reading about six at a time. I guess I could also tell you that my passion is loving the least in the best ways I know how. Over the past few years of my life, I finally opened myself up to let Christ teach me about the things that truly wreck his heart, and to be completely honest, sometimes I wish I never had. Reimagining the world is not a very comfortable thing to do, but I just can’t live any other way. Often times I find myself overwhelmed with the desire to serve those that Christ came for and became Himself- the poor, oppresssed, suffering, captive, and neglected. Jesus is absolutely everything to me and I try to live in a way that shows Him to be supremely satisfying. My desire is to seek His Kingdom and bring His Kingdom into the places where it is the most difficult to imagine.
Yikes Bikes!
I’m officially official!
And I’m huuuuuge!