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Thoughts & Inspiration
In Buriram
We have been in the village for almost a week now and it is feeling more and more like home every day. The “village life” is a slower pace from Bangkok but also allows us to go deep in relationships with the people. The team all lives in a big house. The girls sleep in two rooms while the boys share the Big Room (aka living room). Our days begin about 6:00 am for wake up. Some of us bucket bathe as others dodge the cold water coming from the trickling shower. our toilet is a squatty potty where we throw a bucket of water down the hole to flush. We eat breakfast anywhere from 6:30 to 7:00 which consists of coffee, tea and peanut butter toast and fruit. From 7:00 to 8:00 we all spread out on the land for some sweet time with Jesus. We meet back up at 8:00, Adam and Jamie head out to their school and the rest of us join the women at Center 4 for worship and prayer. Then we all scurry off to our different schools for teaching. Here is a FLEXIBLE schedule of our upcoming weeks. I emphasis FLEXIBLE, because we are about His business and His timing.
9:00 am to 1:00 pm (we have the greatest delight to have lunches with our teaches in the different school. We are enjoying genuine Thai food very much):
Nate and Sarah share their time at Boon Chuey (K-9) and Nah Muang (elementary)
Adam and Jamie are at Plabpachai Pittiyakam (secondary)
Eric and Courtney are at Sadao (K-9)
Hunter and Nikki will share their time at Sumrong (K-9) and Samet (K-9). But this week they have been helping Nate and Sarah
Our afternoons will consist of VBS programs for the kids. We eat dinner around 5:30 and 6:00, traditional Thai food and we begin our team meetings. Some nights we have bible studies, other nights we have discipling groups where the girls and boys split up and on Friday night we have family night – “game night”.
Adam and I wanted to paint you all a picture of what are days look like and what the team is up to. We thank you for your continued prayers and support. The team is sleeping much better at night. And we thank you for standing in the gap for us!
Thank you so very much for sharing your beautiful days with us. It makes us, the parents, feel like our young teachers in Christ are really not that far away! Just seeing a daily routine helps us cope with missing them yet rejoice in awe of their actions and accomplishments. Sarah’s dad and I are praying every day for all of you so know you are in our hearts.
Ann Stevens
Thank you so much for this update. As Ann Stevens said..It makes us feel like you are not so far away. I was wondering, is the food there anything like the Thai food we get over here?
We continue to pray for all of you.
Glad to know the spiritual warfare has subsided enough to get some good sleep. We were really raising you up against that in Jesus name.
I’ve been very aware of the human trafficking on that side of the world, and I’m glad you were able to see first hand the rescue efforts and how the girls are prepared for life outside that industry. I continue to pray.
Love u
Thank you so much! I was very pleased to receive the update; it’s wonderful to have their general schedule. How’s the weather? Does the home where you are staying have air-conditioning? You all are in my constant thoughts and prayers. May God continue to Bless you all with good health and spiritual strength. Amen
Sarah’s Mom: Thank you for your prayres. I will be sure to tell Sarah what you wrote.
Hunter’s Mom: You know, I’ve never had Thai food from America. But Angel says “no, and it is much better here”
Aunt Trish: Thank you so much for the prayers. It is truly indescribable of what Hunter and the team witnessed.
Eric’s mom: The weather is hot(upper 90’s) and very hummid. It is usually cloudy which cools things off. But today has clear skies and it is aroud 95-100 degrees. No, the home we are staying does not have AC, but we do have fans that perpetually stay blowing on us.