First off, it definitely doesn’t feel like we’ve been here a month. We only have two more weeks of teaching! I am sad. These kids are amazing.
Courtney and I have a special bond with the Matheome 2/1 class. They’re 8th graders, and they just love learning. She knows all the girls’ names and I know all the boys’ (which are really darn hard to say), and we’re trying to each know the whole class. There’s just somthing about these kids that draws on our hearts. They like to learn. They respect us, not just think we’re cool because we’re white. They’re trying hard, they laugh, they play, they listen. Teaching that class is basically how life is supposed to be: Stress free, fun, and productive.
Keep praying for God to move in the teacher at our school. We had a good chat with one about the Bible, how it was written, and a little bit about Jesus, but the convo got cut way short because we had to go teach. To put things in perspective: He had heard about Jesus: born of Mary at Christmas and died on a cross. Nothing about His life, nothing about why He died, never heard of Judaism per se, though had heard of Noah and a flood. So, keep praying. Like woah. He did seem genuinly interested in learning more, though.
Everyone who we talk to wonders why the heck we came to Thailand to teach for free. They all ask us if we’re looking for a Thai girlfriend / wife. We are quick to say no no no no no (“mai mai mai mai mai”) and they are very confused. It never would have occured to me before that just simply coming and serving, helping in anyway we can, would have such an impact on a community. The teacher we eat lunch with has confirmed with Courtney and I several times that our team is from all different states from around the US, we didn’t know each other before coming to Thailand, and that other people in America are paying for us to be here. It’s hard for her to comprehend. She knows we are Christians, and that Jesus is truly the only reason any of us are here. So please pray for wisdom and guidance in how to approach this subject (aka the gospel, aka why we came here in the first place) with her and the other teachers.
Indeed I forgot my camera today (we go to the main city of Buriram for our posts internet), otherwise I’d put up some cool pics of the necklaces and letters the students at one school made us. Back story: Each of us teach at certain schools Mon-Thurs. Friday we all go to two other schools together. Yesterday was our last friday teaching (next Friday is a Buddhist festival / holiday thing, which name escapes me at the moment), so the students at those schools loaded our necks and arms with hand-made dandelion pretty things, and beads, and flowers, and such. They also made letters for us (and the ones for Nikki and I even had our nams on them [Nikki and I taught together at that school last week and apparently left a good impression on the kids]). It was so adorable. I seriously almost cried.
I am rushed to finish quickly, so:
prayer requests:
2. Holy Spirit friendship increase.
Jesus! Lover of my soul.
Blessings to all,
Eric, you are doing wonders in Thailand! God is looking over all of you and working through you to help everyone! Why did he bring you to Thailand? because you were the perfect children of Christ to help, whatever the need. Please know that we are here praying for all of you, we will welcome you home soon.
Ann Stevens, Sarah’s mom
Seriously, why would a bunch of Americans pay for you guys to go over to Thailand for a couple of months?
So amazing you can give testimony and evidence of the power and love of God in his people today.
We’ll keep praying as much like Woah as we can!
Thanks for checking in! and thanks for doing all that hard work over there.