Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration
Half Way
As I write this post, the team is starting a VBS program. I am going to miss our opening song that we sing. You should hear Hunter sing our rendition of “Jesus loves me this I know…” it’ll make you smile… a lot.
Yes, today marks that we are half way through the trip, and I think I speak for the team when I say that it is going by away too quickly. The Lord has been blessing us with many beautiful relationships that will be very hard to say goodbye. Jamie and I have been spending every Monday-Thursday at a high school that is around 7 km away. We have fallen in love with the English teachers and they have fallen in love with us. Everyday the Lord reveals more of Himself to these teachers. One in particular, Surachai (he wants us to call him Peter), is Buhhdist but he knows that Jamie and myself are Christians (actually, they all know that we are Christians). I wish I could give justice to the conversations that we have had with him about the Truth, but every day, Jesus seems to illuminate more light to him. Today, he told Jamie that she and I are not like “normal” missionaries, in a good way. I’m not sure how many missionaries that he has seen, but there is genuineness in his desire to get to know who we are and why we believe in Christ. Please pray for him, as well as the other relationships that we all have.
As for the team, we are all doing well. Please pray that we have a restful weekend. We are all tired and need rest. Jamie needs our prayers for her stomach, it has been acting up. Nothing serious, it’s just annoying. Nikki is getting over a cold, so please pray for her and for her body to rest. Thank you all for the prayers. We all need them. That’s about it. Everyone is doing fine and is in love with Jesus… so yeah, we’re doing good 🙂