Ok, so, We finally flew into Bangkok, Thailand last night (your morning…crazy huh?) and I am so thankful to be off of a plane!
Training camp was amazing! God moved in some awesome ways…and I’ll leave it at that; so much could be said about it.
After all that flying my body is pretty tired, but of course because of jet lag I was wide awake last night (but I ended up falling asleep and getting some of the best sleep ever! yes, God is Good ha.) and I’m pretty tired today.
Waking up this morning was beyond incredible! It was a time to just take and soak in the fact that I am directly on the opposite side of the world from where my home is and most of you are. While we are here in Bangkok, we will be staying at a Christian School of Theology and when I woke up and went down stairs, I was immediately surrounded by the culture. all the students were standing around before going to their classes and I got to talk to some and practice my greetings in Thai (it’s pretty cool, you put your hands together and bow while saying “Sawadakup” (girls would say -ka instead of -kup)). Me and Nate got to talk to this one guy who was actually from Hawaii and was teaching English at the school. I’m so amazed that we are actually here and in some ways, a lot of ways I dont think I have fully realized it. ha. that’s probably the jet lag talking.
So today after getting more familliar with our surrounding at the school, we left to go eat at a local resturaunt and got our first experience with the Thai food (which is very very good!) and for some of us, it was our first experience with Thai food period. After eating, we set off on a scavenger hunt. So we began walking down the street and we had to get a ride to the end of the street in a “Tuk Tuk”. A Tuk tuk is a type of taxi that looks like a very small van kind of like a rickshaw type of vehichle-if that description makes any sense at all. I got off on a good start when I steped onto the tuk tuk. there were two locals already in it and we managed to fit nine of us americans in the back and when I got on I had to crouch down and turn to sit and when I did I then realized I swung my butt in front of this poor Thai lady, which of course is something you just do not do in this culture. haha. oh well. Next for our scaveger hunt we bought 1 kilo of this fruit that looked like sea urchins or something but were really really good! Then, the last thing we had to do was to come where I am writing this. I am at a cafe place that has internet and we all had to write a post on this site. so this is mine-probably just like everybody elses post but oh well. So, the rest of today will just be a day of rest-getting used to this time change and tomorrow we will begin this ministery. mainly we will be prayer-walking down on the red light district (not at night, of course).
I am so so very much excited to see what God has in store for us! He already has done so much. He has brought unity to our team, given us saftey in traveling, taught us about prayer and spiritual warfare, and in a lot of ways, He has drawn us closer and closer to Him!
Here are some prayer request to keep on lifting up for us:
1. Strength and endurance in this heat and humidity, not to mention the time difference.
2. Protection from the enemy. Satan does not want God’s work to be done here, so he will be and has been attacking us in many different ways. But there’s power in the name of Jesus and we speak that over this team and trip!
3. Humility in every way and in with everything we do. Thailand is a place of meakness and so our western culture of being loud will not be acceptible here and we often forget that.
4. Safety in our stay here in Bankok (not too worried about that, but something we should always keep in mind)
5. The language barrier to be broken.
6. That the Holy Spirit would come and work through us and penetrate and soften the hearts of the Thai people.
7. Tha God would give us all compassionate hearts and keep us focused on Him.
8. God’s will be done and His Kingdom to come here in this broken country.
There you go, all this might sound all jumbled and such, but that cause God has done so much and will do so much more. my thoughts are just scattered and running a mile a minute and theres so much to say but only a limited of time I have to say it all. Thank you all so much for prayers and support. I love you all and will continually keep you in my prayers and my thoughts!
P.S. I forgot to bring my USB cord with me so I wont have any pictures of Training camp, the flights, or Thailand, but I think we will be posting again at the end of this week before we go to the north and I’ll have a lot more photos and I will remember to bring that USB. so until then I’ll keep you anxious for them. ha.
Peace, Love, Jesus…all that good stuff and Peace out from Thailand!!!!
I feel as if I am walking with you because of your wonderful descriptions. Thanks.
This is my second time to read this today! It is so good to hear from you and know all is well! We will be praying for you and your team. I read their posts too. Sounds like you have a great team! We love you and miss you! Trixie is barking to you! Pookie goes and sits on your bed! Love you!
To hear you describe things in Thailand feels like listening to my Dad. He was there for a year in ’66 with the Air Force. Loved the chicken dance. Will show it to Graysen when she gets back from Chicago. She wishes she could be in Thailand! Have fun Hunter and know that we are praying for you and your team. ~~ Arlene
I love you bubba!!1 Its good to hear everything is going well! We’re using the chicken video for our random video of the week at church tomorrow! Yay!I missin my bubba! I love you and we’re praying for you and your team!
Yo Sista!
It is great to see you have come out of your shell. There for a minute I thought I was talking to Jacquelyn(long winded)! You are doing great, we will be praying. Stay focused on what the Lord has for you and the team – taking the Gospel to the World.
Love you!
Hunter! It’s great to hear that you made it to thailand safely and that everything is going well. Love ya!
– Your Other Sister 🙂
Dude! It is sooo good to read this! I bet Thailand is a TON different from the amazon! haha! its kinda strange reading a blog from a person on the field. i got so used to no electricity and stuff that i just kind of forgot that most places have it haha! (if that makes any since)… i cant wait to hear more updates and know that i am praying for you! i leave for the philippines in 13 days so ill be close haha! if you ever get bored there in Thailand (wich im sure you wont) you can check out our blog at http://08pp0626amb1.myadventures.org/
God Bless