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Hey all! My name is Eric Shaffer. I’m a 20 year old follower of Jesus
Christ and am always eager to learn something new each day. I’m part of
the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship on campus, and am a youth leader
at my local church. I feel called to a lot of different ministries, and
my interests are far and wide. I lead Bible studies and prayer
meetings, am heading up a new joint drama team ministry, and play the
trumpet alongside hymns (still seeing how to fit it in with
contemporary worship). On the other side of things, I’m a huge geek. I
am majoring in Mechanical Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute and love asking questions to find out how and why stuff
works. I like building stuff, getting my hands dirty, and helping
people. I run sound and tech at church, and can do almost anything with
a computer and the internet.

4 responses to “Eric Shaffer”

  1. Eric, it’s good to see you going on this trip! It’s crazy how we ran into each other in the Bronx and now your going to Thailand! God is awesome!

  2. Not only do you make your Momma proud, you make this momma proud, you have been an amazing role model for Corey!!!

  3. Eric as I told you go to cahnge lifes and lead many to the Lord, but be prepared for your life to chance also without you ever seeing it coming. You know how to contact me so if you need anything at all please contact me, You know the Lord provides me a way to get things done. Yes evenhalf way across the globe. WHOA