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Thoughts & Inspiration
So…it’s getting closer and closer to the day that we leave Buri Ram, and then shortly after that, leave Thiland alltogether. God has me in a weird place about that. I’m excited to see what He has in store for me when I go back home, but I cant stand the thought of leaving. The Lord has blessed me and Nikki’s relationship with the teachers at Bon Samed schoo (it’s actually spelled like that “schoo”) I can see fruit that God is allowing to be produced in their lives and it makes me excited for two main reasons: 1. Because it proves that God IS planting seeds through us and 2. I’m so pumped when Angel will come back here in janurary and will be able to continue what we are starting. So, basically, saying goodbye will be difficult here and I’m not looking forward to it.
Today, we spent our morning in solitude. So, that means we got to go off on our own for a while and just spend time with the LORD and abide. For me, it was awesome. God let me just rest with Him and we all have needed rest; and also, I was able to see how God is building me up for so much bigger things and He’s doing it through this trip in a bunch of different ways. He basically told me today that He is going to have me do something very difficult in the future. So, of course, I was freaking out and asking “when?! and “what is it?!” and “where?!”. But God just basically said that I dont need to worry about it now and that I just need to focus on where He is leading me now. Which brings me to another thing God is teaching me and speaking to me about. Throughout this trip one of the biggest things God has revealed to me is where He is leading and what He is building me up to do. This is to go to the hard places-the hardest places that no one wants to go to but the places that God desires us to go. I could say so much more about that and explain it in much better detail but that would make one huge post so I wont. So, I’ll save that for when I get home.
Basically, all that was to say that the LORD is doing some coool stuff here in Thailand and He’s speaking a lot! so keep all that in prayer, we need it.
In other news…Today we had planned to watch Lord Of The Rings as a special treat and most of us were really excited. We even planned to eat popcorn!!!!!!
However, we put the VCD in and found out that it was only in Thai, not english.
So, no movie, no popcorn, no awesome movie night.
But I think we’ll live….
Oh, yeah. I cant forget, our awesome celebration of the 4th of July! We got to scare the whole villia ge with some amazing fireworks or as the locals call it Flower-Fire (but actually in Thai. not english).
So, I have for you a special treat of our first of four explosions. Here you go……………
PS: my Birthday is next thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BE EXCITED*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*(quoted by courtney)
Yay! Happy birthday brother! Can’t wait till you are back.
Thanks for the up date and fireworks! Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Hunter…..happy birthday to you. I will eat a cupcake in honor of you on your birthday. Love you..see you on the 2nd!
It is awesome to see how God is molding you and your team!
Keep planting those seeds!
Yo Momma and I will certainly celebrate your birthday with cupcakes!
Love you
the video was cool; I am glad you are so excited & enjoying the good work you & your team are doing. Birthday’s not far away; I wish I was there to celebrate it with you. I love & miss you. Take care & be safe. Love Dad. P. S.. Jan & the kids say “hi”. Tre’ misses you.
Well All I have to say is I Love you and Happy Early B-day Alyssa and I are going to shout happy Bday at you in india in hopes you can hear it. Sorry we can’t be there to pick you up but God is more important than you.
Oh and I saw “dark knight” and at the end…. haha jk I won’t ruin it for you
Love you man prayin for you,
Bubba!!! I miss you and love you! Reading you and your teams posts is making me even more excited about going to India. We leave in two days!! And yes like Bo said, on the 24th we are gonna shout Happy Birthday to you!!! Haha (that was my idea not bo’s)
Anyways, I can’t wait to see you when we get back! You’ll have to come stay at our house for a few days so we can all exchange stories.
Bo and I are praying for you and your team! Have a great last week! And oh I hope you didn’t forget to get me my birthday present! Ha Love you muchly!!
Your sista
HUNTER!! It’s soo awesome to see you bringing the love of Christ to other’s and being soo far away it’s got to be hard! You’re an amazing man of God!! Keep on buddy! : )
your cousin,
Hey Hunter, Happy Birthday, my son. Hope your team made it a merry one for you. I re-read your post so I could give you this birthday shout. Love you, miss you. You know anytime I go somewhere I fantasize about how I could stay there, too. I’m glad you have the same adventurous spirit. Love & miss you. Hurry home!
Oh my god
Didnt they teach you anything about heretic profanity. Dont take your lords name in vain…especially for a dull firework
oh well back to Religious studies 101 for you dullards
Your right! You shouldn’t take the Lord’s name in vain. That’s the way I talk to God, but it’s okay I understand where your coming from.